New year’s resolutions are all about making life better. Whether you are hitting the gym more often, going for a walk in after lunch, or meditating before bed, they are a great opportunity to take a look at the aspects of your life that aren’t working as well as they could and take a new approach.
But there’s one area that too few people resolve to improve in their lives: work. And from last minute edits to finding that dongle your boss insists is in the conference room, presentations cause a lot of hassle for a lot of people.
Luckily, it doesn’t have to be this way. With just one simple resolution, you can take some stress out of your daily workload, and get better results at the same time: this year, resolve to work with a presentation design agency.
Here are five reasons why choosing a presentation design agency can help you have your best work year ever!
Reason #1: You have enough work already
In many organizations, presentations are passed around like the proverbial hot potato, tossed quickly from one person to the next, with no one truly taking ownership. And it makes sense: presentations are hard, and everyone wants to have a say in the final product without actually doing the work to get it there.
But with a presentation design agency, you can streamline your workflows to get more done in less time.
First, you are partnering with an expert, who can advise you on what should (and shouldn’t) be on your slides. Not only does this result in higher quality presentations, but it helps save you the trouble of debating with your colleagues about what each slide should look like.
Second, it removes the need to get everyone else involved. Instead of passing the deck around for inputs and then feedback, you can simply share out what your partner creates and make edits once.
And, most importantly, you no longer have to do the daily work of designing, editing, and sharing PowerPoints. With a presentation design agency on your side, you have a versatile resource for everything from HR docs to marketing materials to sales decks and beyond.
Reason #2: You could use a fresh perspective
No one knows your brand and business better than you. But often, that means you talk about it in the same way, with the same slides, and (maybe) make the same mistakes.
A presentation design agency isn’t just a vendor: they’re a partner that you can work with to better understand the story you want to tell, and how to bring that story to life in a PowerPoint.
And just like you know your business best because it’s what you do, a presentation expert will have insights and ideas that you might not have thought of, because it’s not your specialty.
Reason #3: You need a brand refresh
When you think of updating your brand, presentations might not be the first thing that comes to mind. But when it comes to reaching the decision makers who have the biggest impact on the future of your business, investing in your presentations may have a bigger payoff than a flashy brand video or a “fun” social media campaign.
And it’s a great way to test out the real-world results of your branding before a big roll out. It’s one thing to toss some display ads into the wind and hope they land somewhere useful, but presenting to a client in real-time gives you a road test for your brand that you can’t get anywhere else.
Or, even if you’ve already started a new brand refresh, you may need help updating your library of PowerPoints, particularly if you are in a large brand with many moving parts. Lots of branding agencies will give you a new template to use going forward, but since they aren’t PowerPoint experts, they likely won’t be able to go back and update every slide that you need to match with the new brand.
Reason #4: You want to focus on what you do best
Even if your brand has an in-house agency or creative team, chances are they don’t have a PowerPoint expert on staff. That means you have to help them understand what you need, explain why the version they made in InDesign doesn’t work, and then go back and forth with edits. This is not a stress-free workflow. And it’s taking you away from the pressing work that you actually need to do.
But with a presentation design agency on your side, you can focus on things like coming up with great content that will drive your business forward, since you have an agency partner that is focused on helping you share that content in the best way possible.
Reason #5: You deserve some help
Your coworkers may be great at what they do, but chances are “presentation expert” is not what any of them have in their job description. This is bad news for the quality of collaboration you can expect, but the good news is that this is why external partners exist.
From internal PPTs to company-wide presentations or conference keynotes, your presentation design and writing needs can change widely from day to day. But with a presentation design agency in your corner, you have a reliable and ready resource for every presentation need that crosses your desk.
And really, we all deserve a little help from time to time! Taking the pressure off your presentations is a great place to start.
Choosing a presentation design agency
If presentations are a big part of your job, then there’s no better way to improve the quality of your work and remove some stress at the same time than to partner with a presentation design agency.
If you want to learn more about what a presentation design agency can do for you and your business, click here, or send us a message to learn more!