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The three steps in data storytelling: Visualize the data

Visualize the data
The three steps in data storytelling: Visualize the data

This video is part of a series on data visualization. See the full story by starting here.

You assessed your audience, you thought through the story your data should tell, and now it's time for the last step in data storytelling – data visualization.

While this process doesn’t have to be overly complex, there’s more to it than just hitting “Insert Chart” in PowerPoint.

Great data visualizations use framing, emphasis, color, and other techniques to highlight key insights and explain the essential data story to the audience. They are easy for the audience to understand at a glance, and don’t overwhelm them with content.

Learn how to implement each of these strategies (and more) in this deep dive into the principles of designing great data visualizations, and some essential tips and tricks to help you create quickly.

Looking for more information about data visualization and beyond? Check out our resources for expert advice and tested strategies.

About the author

Kyle Kartz is the Creative Director of Storytelling at VerdanaBold. He is an expert copywriter and strategist, with experience driving major campaigns for global brands in multiple industries. He is passionate about communications, the outdoors, and cooking.

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