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Bringing mushrooms to board rooms


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Mushrooms and fungi haven’t always been the stuff of big business. But brands like Myco Technology, who harness the power of mushrooms to make foods better, are changing that.

Myco cover slide
Myco overview slide
Myco mission & vision slide
Myco why fermented foods slide
Myco slide with image of people eating
Myco process slide

With a simple-but-flexible design style and robust slide library, we made it easy for their sales team to fine tune their pitch for each room.

Myco prcoess chart

With mushrooms, most of the action happens underground. We chose images that highlighted the hidden side of mushrooms, paired with clean designs that put the focus on the incredible science their team is pioneering.

Myco map slide
Myco ingredient slide

“The Slide Library we created for Myco empowered their sales reps to understand product offerings better and tailor presentations for clients, making it a powerful sales tool. It's always rewarding to help a brand you respect while learning something new.”

– Danielle John, President

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