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The ABCs of Gen Z


Got a presentation challenge?
We have the solution.

No matter what shape your presentation is in, we can help. Redesigns, rewrites, built from scratch out of nothing but a few scribbles on a napkin – don’t worry, we've got your back.

As Gen Z came of age, marketers quickly learned that they couldn’t reach them with the same old message and approach. To start meaningful conversations, brands need to be honest, genuine, and show that they really understand what matters to this unique audience. 

Zspeak Cover Slide
Zspeak intro slide
Zspeak divider slide
Zspeak feature slide 1
Zspeak feature slide 1 with Greta Thunberg
Zspeak book slide

We partnered with Author AnneMarie Hayek to reimagine her groundbreaking research through presentation design and create a bold visual story that brought the subject matter to life in a dynamic and authentic way.

Zspeak infographic slide

Our presentation design team turned data and research findings into clear, engaging infographics. We also sharpened the story, and paired vibrant photography with key stats to help audiences understand exactly who Gen Z is and how brands can reach them.

Zspeak data slide
Zpeak tiktok slide
Zpeak call out slide
Zspeak demographic slide
Zspeak divider slide 2
Zspeak timeline slide
Zspeak content slide
Zspeak representation phone slide
Zspeak creator economy slide
Zspeak influencer slide

“The presentation grew out of her book, so it was an exciting challenge to adapt the brand to a new format. The infographics and vibrant look really bring the story to life.”

– Dave Mattfield, Creative Director of Presentation Design

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